
Photo by: Shahad Alsafi

Photo by: Aaron Bunse

That is a great question! I want to say there were two major impacts for me. The first one is moving across the world from Jordan to the United States, learning a new language and acclimating to a new culture. The second major impact I recently went through is moving across country from St. Louis to LA away from family and friends. I’m family oriented and being away from is family the toughest discussion I have ever made. I have always been independent in everything I do, but this move has only proved to me how capable I am of things I never thought possible.

Challenging myself to achieve the goals I have always dreamt of is something I will never regret. A girl with a dream and a camera with so much ambition. I believe the toughest challenges in our lives are the ones that shape us to be who we are today. Moving to LA was never the plan for me, but when a dream opportunity comes your way, you can’t walk away from it.

I’m a huge believer that everything happens for a reason and finding myself in a new city, making new friends, and experiencing new adventures is the reason I’m here today and I will never take that for granted.

Cheers to new chapters.


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