
The life experience that impacted me the most? This is a difficult question. I’ve been sitting with this for a few weeks now, and honestly I’m not sure I’d be able to pinpoint one thing.

The truth is…I feel like there have been a myriad of experiences that have impacted me in profound ways. Some big. Some small. A whole spectrum actually, ranging from one moment in conversation to a project I dedicated years of my life to.

But right now, I think I’m in the midst of a few life experiences that are impacting me the most.

On a personal note, the last year has been defined by grief + loss. My godfather passed away suddenly last winter, and a few weeks later my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Processing all that has been challenging, and despite the moments of heartbreak, I’ve learned a lot about love. Specifically that community + relationships matter a heck of a lot, and that love is most impactful when put in action. The people who have most made a difference for me this year have created space for me to be real. To cry. To cuss. To share what I’m experiencing honestly and without fear of judgement. My inner circle has really shown up for me–not by trying to fix my situation, but by being with me in the discomfort. That collective experience has taught me a lot, but most simply, to just show up for the people I love. The African proverb sums it up well:

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

In the midst of that personal journey, I decided to leave a comfortable job to pursue what I feel most called to. Changing careers has been hard, and there have been countless frustrating moments. And yet, it’s exhilarating. A few years ago, you (Mattea) asked me “what is the thing that simultaneously makes you feel at peace and alive?” This year, my friend David helped me realize my answer:

When I don’t abandon myself.

This journey of changing careers, on a surface level, meant leaving a stable job in an awesome community for a few months of unemployment. But on a deeper level, it represents my internal commitment to not abandon myself. To not abandon my family during this difficult season. To not abandon what I feel most deeply called to in my career.

So, for me, I think I’m living through the life experiences that have been most impactful so far. It’s hard, but it all comes back to the power of community. And solidarity with all the other twenty-somethings who are also going through it ❤️.


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