
Photos by Maggie Adams

What’s impacted me the most in life is definitely the time I’ve spent abroad as cheesy as that sounds. About 3 years ago after graduating college and before getting a full time job I decided to move to France for six months as an au pair for a French family with two kids. I flew across the world not knowing anyone where I was going and to essentially a strangers home to live. It was nerve wracking but at the same time so exciting. I was more happy than scared to be going and I just couldn’t wait to see what the experience would be like.

I got so lucky with my au pair family who welcomed me into their home like a member of the family. I watched after a 10 and 12 year old who were easy to take care of after school. I really felt like I integrated into the culture living in France for so long, like it was my home. I, for once, didn’t feel like a tourist visiting for a brief time.

It was something I’ve never experienced before and it pushed me so far outside my comfort zone. I spoke French with French people even though that used to scare me. It wasn’t perfect, but it was more than I had tried before. I made friends with other au pairs from all over the world who I still keep in touch with today. They really changed my life and we all became so close over a short period of time. All of us came from different cultures and backgrounds yet, we were so similar at the same time and bonded over our shared experience.

To anyone ever considering traveling alone or moving to another country, I would say do it while you can. I took this chance because it was basically a now or never experience. And I’m so glad I took that leap. I came home with a deeper understanding of how other people live in different countries and what it’s like to be a foreigner where you don’t know anyone. I feel like I came back more confident because of traveling alone and relying on only myself to get around. I've become more sure of myself and what's most important to me. I can confidently make decisions that lead me to the kind of life I want for myself. 

I’m proud of myself for taking that jump to live with locals and work in a foreign country. I never would have had these first hand experiences had I not lived with a french family and got a glimpse into their lives. I’ll never forget all the experiences I had living there and it’s something I’ll carry with me forever.


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