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"The most challenging thing that has happened to me was when I made the decision to move to the USA. Making the decision to leave your hometown and your family behind is a hard choice, but moving to a different country with a different culture and another language was totally a challenge I wanted to take. Making new friends, finding a dream job, and most importantly...wanting to raise my kids with a good mindset was the goal.

When I moved here, there weren't a lot of Hispanics. It was a daily battle to tell my kids that speaking Spanish isn't a weird thing, but actually a skill that eventually will make them successful in the near future. When I came to this country, I realized that opportunities were there for me, but I had to work hard for them. Having a good work ethic, being honest and accountable are things that will make someone get to where they want to be. 

As I got older, I realized that not all things matter as much as I thought. Today in my 40s, I have learned that I have to push myself to the most and surround myself with people with good mindsets, never underestimate myself and know my worth. I have learned that if someone tells you that your idea is crazy, it means to work harder and make it happen. 

Now that I have been here for 15 years, I feel proud of what my husband and I have accomplished. We bought a house, raised three amazing kids, and I have my own business and a few more projects on the way, and it's all made me proud of the decision I made 15 years ago. 

I always tell myself and repeat to my kids: if you want to have what only a few have, you have to be willing to do what only a few do."


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