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impact (noun) : the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.


Life is full of precious moments and memories, sometimes they become so numerous it is hard to remember each as time goes by. Moments of impact have the potential to cause so many new changes and seasons. Often sending people to a place they never would have possibly discovered if not for that instant collision of two objects (or in my instance, people). My biggest moment of impact was the first time I met the love of my life. He was shy and sweet, yet his eyes just seared straight into my heart. 

We were two souls, longing for something real in a world that believes love is only a one-night stand. Never have I felt so at home in another's arms, or so at peace from a simple kiss. We met on a crisp fall afternoon in early October, the details of the first date I will always remember to a point. The fact of the matter was that it didn't matter what we did, it was simply about spending dedicated time with one another. His words were soft and heartfelt as he told me how nervous he was picking me up on my porch. We chatted for hours about nothing in particular but the instant spark was so powerful I couldn't resist. The exact second our souls collided, it was magic. The butterfly feeling my mom always told me about came true. This moment of love at first sight that grew into true love has been my biggest moment of impact to this day.

Jeremy has shaped my heart in ways I could have never thought possible. He took a girl with a battered heart due to boys in the past, and showed her what true love is.

Honor & respect.

Chivalry & kindness.

Communication & trust.

There were some parts of me that had become so dark to love due to how people had treated me. I closed the door in my heart thinking the search was done. Yet, finding the right person, my person, changed all of that.

It is hard to pin down moments of impact because we all experience them on a daily basis. When I chat with the barista instead of grunting along, or hold a door open for an elderly lady shuffling into a restaurant; we all impact others with the slightest things we do. It could even be smiling at the new kid in class who is removed and distant from everyone else. We all have the power to send love colliding into others which impacts their life. You never know how you are impacting others with your kindness. Every moment is so important. When I found the person that encouraged me to be my best, helped me believe in love, and supported me through the good & bad without expecting anything in return; that was my biggest moment of impact.

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