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"My freshman year of college I went on a mission trip to Baltimore, MD. This wasn't impactful because I haven't been on other trips before, I have, but it was impactful because the Lord worked in my heart more than ever before.

Instead of constantly focusing on me, He emphasized the beauty in serving others. Constantly throughout college I find myself finding my importance in ME and MY accomplishments. In Baltimore, I found the deepest sense of love and happiness serving other people. I also learned the importance of community and serving with people who encourage you to be better. 400 college students from Clemson spent their spring breaks serving the Lord.

The reason this was the most impactful moment was because the post-mission trip high remains with me today. I constantly feel myself remembering that I find true joy when I surround myself with people and love. It's not about finding my identity in myself or what other people think of me, but in the Lord and that immeasurable joy He has shown me."


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