Happiness is Simple

Happiness is much simpler than we all make it out to be. We live under the impression that if we just had this, or just had that, then we would finally be happy. For all of us, it’s different. Some of us want new clothes, a new car, a new watch, or a new phone. I’ve often times found that when I’ve finally gotten a tangible item that I’ve longed for and held it in my hands, I don’t feel better about myself and I don’t feel fuller. It’s actually quite odd, isn’t it?


We make these long wish lists full of items that seem to be able to buy us happiness. But is it sustainable? Will the happiness hold? Not likely.


Just like the tangible good, it’ll fade. Well, then what?

Why do we make simple things so complicated? What if the key to happiness was simple? It is.


Happiness is waking up each morning with a fresh start.

It’s staying up late and talking with friends about random thoughts you get each night.

Being happy is making silly eye contact with your dad, or putting together cute outfits with your mom.

It’s trying new things just for the sake of a new experience.

Happiness is the way you feel when someone calls you by name.

It’s sitting alone at a coffee shop and thinking about your life and all that you have to offer the world.

It means loving others and living in a compassionate world.

And most of all?

Happiness is being grateful. Not only for the simple ability to live, but to be granted the chance to make waves on this Earth and impact someone else.

Happiness doesn’t always stretch that far. Sometimes it’s closer than we think. 

Mattea LinAeComment